Hi, I'm Sam

About Me

I'm a passionate GNU+Linux and free software enthusiast who is currently a full time student at Stanford majoring in Physics. I work part time for Virufy as a Machine Learning Engineer, and I'm co-owner/CEO of Ampolic Digital Solutions LLC.

Personal Projects

Thinkpad x200T

Throughout high school, I used a desktop for all things technology related. Senior year, however, I began to realize I was going to need a laptop in college. As with any tech-related product, I spent months searching for the perfect laptop that would last me the next 4 years. Around this time, my passion for Linux was just beginning and it wasn't until the final months of high school that I realized the perfect laptop for me was not the newest Macbook or lightest laptop with a full GPU. I realized the perfect laptop for me was the librebootabled 2008 Thinkpad x200T.

Homemade Ambilight

Once upon time while scrolling on Reddit, I came across a post showing off an Ambient Lighting TV setup. I immediately fell in love with the idea and set out to install one on my TV. Ambient Lighting is a weak light source on the backside of a screen or monitor that illuminates the wall or surface behind and just around the display. While this can sometimes just be random colors, the most interesting use is when the lights are the same color as the edge of the screen as seen in the above picture.

El Camino

Starting my freshman year of high school, my dad and I began to look for a car for me to drive when I turned 16. Even though I was still almost two years from getting my license my dad thought it would be a good idea for me to get a car that needed some work so I could learn a little about cars. I, having to pay for the car myself, decided to agree since I figured it would end up being a lot cheaper. After just a month or so of looking, my dad showed me a listing for a $2,000 glossy black 1983 El Camino.


During the first few weeks of my freshman year of college, I started my own company! Why did I do this? Well the summer before I started college, my friend Dylan and I were becoming fed up with how bloated the internet is and how inefficient/expensive most web design companies are.

AR Sandbox

January of my sophomore year of high school, I was taking AP 2D Studio Art when I overheard some of the administration talking about possibility building an augmented reality (AR) sandbox to use at our school districts middle school.


Blockable is a custom static site generator I wrote in python! There's a lot of simple websites on the internet that have no use for a database and rarely ever change. For sites like this, non-static sites make things unnecessarily complex and make things a lot less secure.

Technical Skills


I absolutely love all things GNU+Linux. As a minimalist who likes to do things the proper and clean way, Linux is my bread and butter.


Simply put I'm a python guy. I've used it for most of my personal projects and previous jobs. That being said I really like rust and I'm familiar with c++.


At the end of the day, I am a physics major who loves to model the world with math. As expected, this has caused me to take a lot more physics classes then I can list here.

Web Design

If you couldn't guess from this website, I also make websites. As a result, I'm very familiar with HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, and all the other web languages.

Digital Marketing

I actually got my start working as a "Digital Marketing Specialist" for a small company. I have experience with online advertising, social media, SEO, and much more.

Using Autocorrect

I'm like really really bad at speling so I have to use it a lot. I'm not proud of it but its true. My fatal flaw is when my spelling is so bad auto-correct can't guess it.